The Stripe Colors and The Six Qualities of a Champion
The six qualities of A Champion are qualities that we teach through stripe testing. Every month we set a goal for one of the qualities and reward the students for progress made in that area. These goals are in addition to the curriculum and the STARS program. Students receive these color stripes in the following months, though each time the stripe is taught, the lesson plan and teaching method are different.
January and July – Blue stripe represents Power. Blue reminds us of water which is one of the most powerful elements on earth.
When each Quality is Taught
January and July - The blue stripe reminds us of the Power of the ocean, one of the most powerful natural elements on earth.
February and August – The Green stripe represents Accuracy. Green reminds us of things that grow. In the learning or growing stage, we must become accurate with our techniques as they are the foundation of our future excellence in the art.
March and September – The Red stripe represents Intensity. Red reminds us to be as intense as fire, Like the flicker of a flame.
April and October – The White stripe represents Speed. White reminding us to be as fast as lightning.
May and November – The Black stripe represents Focus. Black reminds us of a BULLSEYE and focusing on the target.
June and December – The Gold stripe represents Excellence. Gold reminds of the Excellence of achieving an Olympic gold medal.
Students qualify for graduations, which are held every 4 months, if they have earned 3 of the four stripes taught in each trimester. We do not require 4, because we are trying to teach the concept of failure as a stepping stone of excellence.
The Karate Story Behind each Stripe
Power - The Blue Stripe
POWER — Power is mass or weight times velocity or speed, or more properly, Force = Mass x Acceleration. A bullet weighs little but travels very fast thus; it’s powerful. On the other hand, a train moves very slow yet weighs a lot; thus, it is mighty.
Accuracy - The Green Stripe
ACCURACY— This is the proper method of execution of technique or detailing the way moves are supposed to be done. In addition to performing the technique correctly, hitting the target is equally important.
Intensity - The Red Stripe
INTENSITY - Intensity is often the visible or visceral result of focused intent, power, and a desire to accomplice a desired task or outcome.
Speed - The White Stripe
SPEED – Speed creates the momentum that gives our techniques power in addition to the ability to bring the weapon to the target at the right time. In Tang Soo Do, this concept is formally referred to as Speed Control. We cannot hit something hard unless we perform the technique fast.
Focus - The Black Stripe
FOCUS — Mental focus is the ability to block out distractions. Physically it is the ability to have the control to hit the exact target or do the right thing at the right time by exerting control of one's actions and accepting responsibility for the result.
Excellence - The Gold Stripe
EXCELLENCE— The goal here is to relate Excellence with the Gold Medal in the Olympics. Excellence is one of the places in our curriculum, where teaching success, winning, and losing is a natural fit. If excellence is defined by effort, then there is a real chance that winning or achieving is no longer a viable goal, which is antithetical to MAK's message both in life and in self-defense. We teach that approaching excellence involves effort and failure, opposing each other perpetually throughout our lives. That the best, the winner, the successful at any given moment, comes to those who overcome failure with effort and are always approaching excellence.